Monday, August 10, 2015

Burke Friend - A new start

      Knock knock, who's there?  It's God and we need to have a talk:).......

      Last spring I struggled with different issues surrounding my life and what "we" were doing (my family and I). I felt as though I was in a situation that, literally was breaking me down.  I was so stressed that I was literally sick every day.  I knew this wasn't right, but I wasn't sure what I needed to do with it.
     Then one evening I got a call from a trusted friend, John Spiker he was tickled on how I managed our first production sale and wanted to know if I could help him out on another sale this last spring.  I was excited but so nervous!  This was something I had dreamed of doing my whole life, and from a individual I respected highly.  I didn't want to let him down, but with the loving support of my husband I was started on a new adventure!!
     After several long days of working, the sale was here and I was NERVOUS!  If I didn't do my job right then the sale would be unsuccessful, as I sat in the Auction block with John, I literally could hear my teeth chattering!  But my faith in God let me know that if this was my path then he would see me through it.  Hours later, the sale was over and John looked at me and said " You did it Girl!"  The John O'Dell Spring Angus Sale had the highest grossing sale ever!  Not one animal went unsold!  I went home that evening with a new peace within my heart, knowing God was at the wheel.
     After this Mark and I prayed, we prayed we'd find answers, and that we'd be shown a path that we needed to follow.  I missed my boys terribly and were spending thousands in commuting to work and daycare.
    We decided that if I was to stay home with the boys, I could manage the farm and work for myself.  So after days and months of preparing, I've started a Adventure and we're calling it Burke Friend :)  I will be sharing my love of photography with Livestock and family pictures ( If your like us it's all the same :)) along with sale management and consulting services for your livestock.  So if your needing family portraits or sale management :) I'm your girl!
     I would personally like to thank my wonderful husband Mark and my supportive family for pushing me in this direction, I love you all!!

A man's heart deviseth he's way: but the lord directeth his steps.  - Proverbs 16:9

Always trust in him!

Burke - #FarmerWife

Friday, August 7, 2015

Two paths same outcome

     Yesterday, my husband calls during work to say "you don't have any plans? Right" immediately I know that this means, he's got plans for me.  "Of Course honey I have no plans, what do you need?".  Well to make a long story short he picked up a 2 bushels of peppers and a bushel of peaches after work that he wanted me to can.
     We always can at my grandparents in their canning kitchen, so I go into the house to tell my grandmother what's going on.  She informs me (even though, I already know) that we need to get the recipe out and make sure we have enough supplies.  Well I pull out my tablet, because that where I keep all my recipes in a file I uploaded, (along with all those awesome, Pinterest Ideas ) and she comes and sits next to me with this super old yellow, overflowing recipe box.

     As I sit next to her at the table and look over, I see my 83 year young grandmother with her recipe box, and myself 30 years old with a tablet.  Both holding the same recipe, the same result but brought by two different paths.  Of course this got me to thinking about our lives, how there is 53 years between us, but we're both trying to accomplish the same thing in our own ways.  Things have changed so much in the last 50 years that we accomplish things differently then we once did, but we still have the same goals.  In fact thinking back, did those things "changing" really accomplish anything different?

There's a thought to leave you with :)  

No Farm No Food
Burke  #FarmerWife